Where Does It All Go???

Do you wonder where your 9 to 13 year old puts all the food they eat?  Both boys and girls in this age group need about 2000 to 2300 calories per day.  Yes, they probably eat more than you!   It is important to offer a variety of foods as their bodies are working overtime to build bone and muscle.  At the same time, their brains are developing at a rapid pace (among all the other internal craziness!).  When my oldest gets off the bus I have to stop myself from saying, “We are eating in less than two hours – just wait!”  He just can’t wait!  He needs to be fed something healthy.  Here’s what I offer:


Organic yogurt – good for muscles, bones AND his brain with added bananas, blueberries, strawberries topped with one of the Omega-3 granolas you can buy or make.


Got Nuts?  Great source of protein and fiber.  Just add a glass of milk to make this is a fantastic combination.
Nut allergies?  How about trailmix made with:  Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, square rice cereal, dried cranberries &/or raisins &/or blueberries, and yes, I do throw in a few M&Ms or mini Marhmallows.  The younger ones LOVE to help make this.


That should get them through until dinner.  Plus, if they have after school activities this gives them a healthy, long lasting boost of energy!  Of course by dinner they will tell you they are starving (sigh!)…

Lisa Lester

Lisa Lester is a Registered Dietitian with nearly 20 years of experience. She has worked coast to coast in a variety of settings such as cardiac rehab, the Joslin Diabetes Clinic and has lectured to people of all ages. Lisa is a happily married, proud mother of two boys who diligently works to control their food allergies. She loves to try new recipes -- cooking with her sons or just surprising them! Her family truly believes in eating a "Rainbow Diet!"